Monday, November 12, 2018

symptoms of leukemia | The symptoms of miscarriage

The symptoms of miscarriage

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Learn all About miscarriages
Miscarriage is the spontaneous interruption of pregnancy occurring during the first 5 months, the date of fetal viability, which is 22 weeks of amenorrhea. If in the majority of cases bleeding and pain in the lower back or belly are symptoms to alert the expectant mother, a number of cases are preceded by no symptoms. Doctissimo makes the point.

Different types of miscarriage
The symptoms of miscarriage
The false hemorrhagic layer: a medical emergency
What are the causes of miscarriage?
Miscarriage Symptoms
The National College of French Obstetricians gynaecologists (CNGOF) has issued recommendations for clinical practice on pregnancy loss, with an update on those occurring during the first semester. On the basis of these texts, we will confine ourselves here to describing the different possible situations in practice.

Different types of miscarriage
The miscarriage corresponds to a spontaneous cessation of pregnancy before the 22nd week of Amenorrhea (about 5 months), the date of fetal viability. Four types of miscarriage are generally distinguished:

According to the start date of pregnancy:

The early miscarriage: it takes place before 14 weeks of amenorrhea and complicates about 10% of pregnancies.
The late miscarriage: it takes place between 14 and 22 weeks of amenorrhea and concerns 1% of pregnancies.
Depending on the number of miscarriages:

The isolated miscarriage: As the name implies, it occurs in isolation, and can be followed by other normal pregnancies.
Repeated miscarriages: they are characterized by the occurrence of at least 3 early and consecutive miscarriages and concern 1 to 5% of women.
The symptoms of miscarriage
No symptoms
In a number of cases, the miscarriage is not accompanied by any symptoms. This is particularly the case of the discovery of a lack of heartbeat or an empty pocket during the first ultrasound (in this case we speak of a clear egg – the gestational bag that had to contain the baby is empty).

Bleeding and pain related to a miscarriage
However, in the majority of cases the miscarriage is announced by a number of symptoms, alone or associated:

Discreet to abundant vaginal bleeding, which may be irregular or continuous, bright red or brownish in colour.
The expulsion of small brownish tissues by the vagina or blood clots.
More or less severe pain, constant or intermittent, affecting the lower back or belly, sometimes with pelvic cramps similar to those felt during the menstruation.
Attention! Small bleeding in the early stages of pregnancy is not necessarily a sign of miscarriage. However, if pain appears, even discreet, it is advisable to consult without delay.

The false hemorrhagic layer: a medical emergency
Finally, consultation should be urgent if:

Vaginal bleeding is abundant,
Shock symptoms are felt (dizziness, weakness, discomfort, nausea, vomiting, changes in heart rate).
In these cases of miscarriages of hemorrhage, endo-uterine aspiration is often necessary to stop the bleeding.

What are the causes of miscarriage?
Spontaneous and isolated miscarriage is most often related to an abnormal development of the fetus. If the cause is only rarely sought, it would appear that the embryo has abnormal chromosomes that stop its normal development. These anomalies lead to the spontaneous expulsion of the embryo. This type of miscarriage is more common among older women.

Repeating miscarriage requires a medical checkup to find these repeated losses. Among the most common causes are genetic or chromosomal abnormalities, hormonal alterations, abnormalities of the uterine cavity, chronic diseases such as type 1 diabetes or hyperthyroidism, micropolykystiques ovaries, Obesity, smoking, excessive drinking or exposure to pesticides.

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